Help Equip New 20g Long (Lighting)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 20, 2006
Hennepin, MN
I am upgrading my 10g to a 20long.
I went to home depot today to get some sand, and I found some silica sand. Is silica sand ok for aquarium use?
I'm thinking I'll put some fluorite or fert enriched substrate on the very bottom, and cover that with the silica sand, will that be all right?
I don't want to buy the fluorite just yet though, because on problem is, I don't have a hood, or any sort of lighting. I think I'll just place my 10gal lights ontop, if I end up setting it up before I get a light fixture.
I'm really a novice when it comes to lighting, I've only ever used what the kits gave me, but this time it wasn't a kit, just a bare tank.
I want this to be a planted tank with a grassy-lawn-type foreground cover.

-Can I put sand ontop of the fluorite?
-Any better substrate than fluorite?
-Is silica sand OK for aquarium?
-What is a good light fixture for plants in the 20? Anything from
-Is CO2 a hassle? Messy? Unsightly? Any small input on that would be nice.
-Stocking suggestions? I want good foreground cover...
-Anything else?

Measurements are:
Topfin 20gal Long
help me with my lighting! please!
I have used eco-complete for several years in my 55 gallon tank without the CO2 and without all the fertilizers. My tanks aren't on the covers of the magazines but I am pleased with the growth that I get. It works well but it isn't cheap.

Home Depot sand may or may not have mold retarders in it. I'm not sure that I would dump it in without testing it. Many garden people have told me not to add play sand to my gardens becuase of the chemicals. Other may be able to tell you if they have used it before with success.
I've heard that Pool Filter Sand is better than Silica Sand. Silica Sand has sharper edges (not good for bottom dwellers) and compacts faster / easier. Can you try and find some of that ? Its not expensive either.
On the questions of mixing - I don't know and have been wondering myself since I'm finally going to be setting up my 2 20G Longs soon
i used silica sand from Home depot in a tank once, got lots of gas pockest and black spots (rotting organic stuff) pool filter sand has larger grains, and is better IMO
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