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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
Well I started out with 6 zebra danios, 1 died of drosphy (sp?), 1 disappeared one day and I couldn't find it, now I have 4 left. I had 3 bronze cories and yesterday I found one floating on top. One of my danios swims if it was swimming forward its nose would be pointed down a little bit. This danio also has more of a "hump" on its back then the others. I only see it sometimes and when I feed it doesn't come up to the top to eat. My water params are 78 F, ph 7.6, ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm. There is some algae in the tank (10g) that I'm trying to get rid of. I have java moss and java fern and the moss has taken over the tank. I'm thinking of taking all of it out. Can some please help me get my tank back in order.
How long have you had the fish? I mean, could they have been sick when you got them from the store?
how high is your nitrates in your tank?
This danio also has more of a "hump" on its back then the others. I only see it sometimes and when I feed it doesn't come up to the top to eat.
This sounds like bullying in the tank. Have you notice the danio to be seperated in the tank? A good resolution to bullying is to bring it out to another tank for a while.
What is your level of nitrates? And by hump, do you mean a growth, or more of a spinal "curve"?

Also, how long has it been since you last did a water change?

I don't really know what to say right now. Answer us these questions, and someone will be able to help you. :wink:
I don't have a nitrate test kit :oops: , and the hump is more of a spinal "curve". I've had these fish since last oct./nov. they've gotten along fine, but he is sperated from the "group" now but occasionly comes back. The last time a did a WC was 2 weeks ago and I'm going to do one tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
This might be a dumb question, but did you change the water after you found the dead fish in there?
1 disappeared one day and I couldn't find it, now I have 4 left.

If you have a dead fish just sitting in there that can really mess things up.
1 disappeared one day and I couldn't find it, now I have 4 left.

If you have a dead fish just sitting in there that can really mess things up.
I've just been reading through this post as i've recently bought some platys and one of them has a spinal curve and he doesnt swim round much. The lfs i use is usually fantactic so i let the shop guy pick them out (I know really stupid) When i got them home they all seemed fine except one who just wasnt as active as the others. Now he seems hunched over and his tail is lower than his body when he does actually swim around. Would this be a result of bullying or is there some sort of disease or infection? Sorry to use this post but i wasn't sure if i should start a new one as the topic seemed similar to my query. I test the water regulary ph 6.5 temp 79 ammonia 0 nitrite 0.3mg nitrate 10mg All within safe params (i know they could be lower but the tank has just been cycled)
Thanks for any advice xXx
The platy with bent spine may have tuberculosis, or birth defect. I suggest you separate this fish asap. I have a similar platy 4 months ago. It was an active fish, but one day I noticed the spine is curved. A result, he couldnt swim well, and couldnt reach for food. It survived for 3 to 4 weeks before it died.
Tuberculosis can spread and infect your other fish, so may be not a good idea to return it to LFS.
But if it just birth defect, it can be hereditary, and there is chance that the babies can have similar condition.
I separated the platy from the other fish last night but he just got worse and died within a couple of hours. I've noticed one of the other platys isnt spreading his fins out quite as much as usual, Is this an early sign of tuberculosis? He seems fine and is eating i thought it might be because my betta has became aggressive towards them. Is that normal? I thought Bettas were generally peaceful (except with other male bettas of course) He keeps puffing his gills out and trying to nip the platys. But If there is tuberculosis in the tank what do i do and is it curable?
How big and what kind of platy do you have? Betta will get aggressive towards other fish that has fins that resembles the betta's fins, for example a guppy. If your platy has wide and colorful tails, the betta may get jealous.

I don't think tuberculosis has any early symptomps, and it's not curable.

Jungle Labs website has some information about bacterial and parasite infections. Maybe you can find similar symptoms and the cure. health
(read number 19 to 49)

Sorry for your fish loss :(
One large red tuxedo platy 2 small moonfish platys (there was 3) and one that is the same size as the other 2 but is bright orange. None of them have large fins. The orange one was in the same tank as the moonfish platys the tuxedo was in a tank on his own so i had to get him. The angel fish also trys to nip the platys but they're a little too fast for him so i dont think he could do any damage. I'm a bit worried that if they do have an disease/infection that they may infect the other fish. I dont have any where to put 4 fish. I'll have a look at that website, Thanks x
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