Help I lost my Plecostomus Do i still have ich?

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New Fish

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 22, 2004
Modesto Ca
I lost my Pleco last nit after doing battle with ich :(

I have a 20 gal tank, Ph 8.0 and no2 of <=.03 and salt level .14 ?

Do i still have ich in the tank. I started salt and temp raised to 86 3 weeks ago. No signs of ich on the fish, yet i know it still could be in the tank. Now what ? do i raise the temp? lower the temp? add salt? change the water more often. I changed the water 10 % three days ago. and the ph was 7.5 and no2 same reading at <=.03 86 f.
The remaining neons 2 look bright blue and red.
the 2 gourami seem well as do my 3 tetras and 2 black neons.
Any help on this us much appreciated.
If the diseased fish as just removed from the tank last night, there is probably still contaminants in the tank. It is a very cantagious parasite, and its possible that your other fish already have it, and just aren't showing signs yet. Do any of you other fish show symptoms of ich besides the obvious white patches? Are they rubbing against decorations, breathing difficultly, showing a loss of appetite, cloudy eyes, frayed fins, or abnormal swimming behavior? From
The life cycle of Ich includes 3 stages. The mature parasite (trophozoites) forms pustules in the skin in order to feed (visible as white spots). Once the pustule ruptures, the trophont settles at the bottom of the tank. Secreting a coating it forms a protective capsule (cyst). Within, the parasite performs a series of cell divisions creating hundreds of new cells (tomites) which are released and search for a new host.

There are about 300 tomites leaving the cyst. Tomites have to find a host within 3 days or they will die off. The complete parasitic life cycle ranges from 14 to 16 days. Higher temperatures accelerate the cycle while lower temperatures will extend the parasitic activities.

The three day duration of the tomite stage is the only stage in which the parasite is vulnerable and can be treated with medication. This limited vulnerability explains why it is necessary to repeat the treatment to assure that all parasites have been eliminated. Not completing the treatment due to no reoccurring symptoms (white spots, etc.) usually leads to a renewed outbreak as the parasite is in its burrowing and re-production stage at which the medication has no effect.

Left untreated, about 15% of the released tomites will find and occupy a new host. This rather small number nevertheless accumulates to a 10 fold increase of parasites per week.

It is highly likely that your tank iss still contaminated. Have you tried any medicine for ich? Something containingcopper, formalin or malachite green may be more likely to treat the problem than just salt.

How much salt did you add? Is your tank temp still at 86? That seems pretty high to be keeping your fish at for an extended period of time. They can't be very happy with the water temp much above 80.
Not sure here if you think it was ich that killed the plec. The high temp and salt treatment should be for about 2 weeks; not sure why you keep the temps at 86F for longer. If there was no sign of ich after the first week, its most likely gone. If the plec continued to show signs, it may have been a strain which isn't susceptible to the high temps used (the temps needed to kill that strain is too high for the fish).

Were there signs of other disease? Often bacterial infections also show up as there are open wounds due to the parasites.

What are the other nitrogenous waste levels? That may be a clue as well.

If you can give us a little more detail and a timeline of whats happened since ich showed up, it may help us to problem solve.
Thank you very much for the quick response. I will try and clarify. The temp was raised and kept at 86f for 18 days. The temp has since been lowered to 82. There are no other signs of ich... The remaining fish are active have no spots and the the no2 is less than .03 and ph of 8.0. What if anything do i do now? I did treat with malachite green in the beginning but went to salt after your very helpful advice. The salt level test kit i have now does not shoe ppm. i added i TBS (tablespoon) for every 5 gallons ie 1 tbs x 4 days = 20 gallons. Water changes were done every three days at 10-15 % with treated replacement water with salt. The pelco has no signs of trouble or ich.
Hrmm. I doubt the issue was the heat or the salt then, especially since both were reduced.

I realise its sorta late now, but I wonder if it had nutritional issues. The area behind the plecs eyes are sorta the fat deposit areas; if they look sunken in (even if they are eating) it means malnutrition/starvation. How often was it fed/how often did it eat (I know they are 2 diff things :) ) What was it fed? How long did you have it (I forget...alzheimers is setting in LOL)? Its possible it was ill, but if it was showing no signs then I tend to think nutritional issues. Oh! And what are the other nitrogenous waste levels?

I'd give the tank 2 weeks post last sign of ich before adding anyone else if thats what you're thinking. Chances are ich is long gone, especially since you no longer have any sign; if it was still there it would have been having a party on your poor fish at the higher temps. But give it the 2 weeks just to be sure. Plus, be sure to QT any new fish for at least 2 weeks; it would suck to have them wind up bringing ich back into the tank!
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