HELP!! Milk in FW aquarium

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Not to be off topic, but it sounds like we should start putting pad locks on out tanks!!! :)-P
They are very good parents after the first spawn or two, sometimes after the first spawn. They become very territorial and aggressive. A pair can dominate a 55 gallon tank of less aggressive fish. Ya should have room for two pairs and the other fish in the 125 as long as the pairs aren't too close to each other. Ya may move some branches, rocks, or other decor items around the pots they've chosen to hole up in to limit the breeding pair's line of sight and thus reduce their aggression by limiting their view of who is getting close.

The fry are easy to raise. I've never made special attempts to raise the fry. I always just feed the fish normally.

Kribs are pretty easy to breed, just put two together and some caves and there you go. The fry are easy to rear apparently the female is suppose to take larger flakes and crush them up for the fry but mine never really do that. I just feed them freshly hatched shrimp. Mainly because the nutrition is so high, but crushed flakes will work also. Water quality is a big factor! The fry are way more sensitive then the adults so you need to keep your nitrates down!
What should I do about the canister and hob filters suction? One of the paired kribs picked a upside down flowerpot that is just diagonal from my Rena xp4's input suction hose. Even if the eggs do hatch. They may be sucked into the filter as they cone out of the flowerpot. Not to mention I have no clue if there are eggs at all because the ceramic pot is upside down and they are going through that little hole on the bottom of the pots. I think its cute how she will hide in her pot and all I can see is her one eye peaking through the hole. I try not to stare at her too much. I hear they will move ells ware if they know j know there nesting area.

Is there something I can use to cover the filters suction tube, but also not put too much strain on the filters motor?
Stores sell pre-filter sponges or you can use bulk filter pad, just know it gets gunky before long. I used a few rubberbands so that if one broke they would still hold it on the tube. Then bought the pre-filter sponge. I had/have baby guppies and dwarf shrimp and dwarf crayfish and all seems good, no concerns.
When I was little a poured a half gallon of whole milk in my dad's 45g (my main tank now). All of his JD's died...
DirtyTankMan said:
When I was little a poured a half gallon of whole milk in my dad's 45g (my main tank now). All of his JD's died...

Some cichlids are more delicate then others when it comes to there water. Wow! I think I would have had a heart attack. LOL u really must have cared for them to five them that much calcium. Hehhehe
It was a fully grown Dempsey, a few smaller (but still big) ones, and a 9 inch Pleco that all died. He had had all of them since they were small so needless to say I was in deep trouble... And the tank was much more secure from then on :D
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