Help! Mosquitos breeding in my tank?

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That's what I thought, but being a newbie, I didn't question the wisdom. From what I understood, it's a bacteria that paralyzes the digestive system of the larva, thereby killing them, but is safe for plants and fish.

Oh, well...

My fish got a nice treat out of them in the end. :D
Let me first appolizise for not reading this entire thread.

I thought skeeters needed stagnent water to reproduce?
That's what I thought, too.

Turns out, there were two places in my setup where I found larva. One was in the wells of my power filter. While there was obvious string current in there, the surface wasn't very choppy, so I suppose it was ideal.

The second was just behind the power filter's waterfall in my tank. There, the water is quite calm. I do have two undergravel filter riser tubes (whatever those are called) on each side with their effluent pointed towards the center of the tank, and they generate (along with the filter waterfall) a good bit of current (enough to make two glass catfish very happy), but not enough right behind the waterfall.
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