Help my betta is dying! Its urgent!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 8, 2011
some where on earth
My blue veil tail female betta is at the bottom of the tank with her tail ripped into strings and she is breathing heavy!She has lost all color and is gray! what do I do? please help!:(:(:(:fish1::fish2::(:(:(
paramters? tankmates? tank size? type of filter and amount of flow? i'm afraid all you can do at this point is just hope she's a fighter. :( wish there was more i could do.
paramters? tankmates? tank size? type of filter and amount of flow? i'm afraid all you can do at this point is just hope she's a fighter. :( wish there was more i could do.
she has a 2 gallon fish bowl, clean water, normal parameters, and her tankmate is a red and white crowntail.....but their best friends
if there is no divider... i'd say the crowntail has turned on her. :( bettas can change their mind extremely quickly, and once they do, you have to act really quickly to separate them or else one will kill the other. i would say, if she hasn't passed on yet to move the healthy betta to a temporary home somewhere else so the little can girl heal, or pass in peace.
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