Help... My plants are dying

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 11, 2004
New Jersey
Well just two of them. I've got two Brazilian Sword Med.(White sail houseplant) I noticed the other day that some of their leaves were turning yellow. I took a closer look and I noticed that the stems are turning black at the base. I'm at a loss as to what this is or what to do. I don't have fish in the tank and none of my other plants are showing any signs of disease. Any ideas what this might be? I really don't want this to spread.
Lance M. said:
Isn't when the leaves turn yellow iron deficiency?

I added an Iron suppliment last week and it didn't seem to help at all. I just pulled the worst of the infected plants out and it looked like some kind of fungus around the base.
So you had the same first thought as me. I don't know what it is then, but since there's fungus growing on it then your plant is in really bad shape and you might not be able to save it. PM malkore and tell him your situation. He seems to be the plant advisor on this forum. He knows a lot on plants.
malkore said:
Please tell me:
tank size (dimensions & capacity)
Lighting type and wattage
CO2 injection?

72 Gallon Bow Front. 48 inches long, 22 inches deep, and 12 inches wide at the side to 24 inches in the center.
Coralife Lighting system with 4 65watt 6700K bulbs.
No CO2 injection system (yet)
OK, maybe I'm missing something here but you did say 'Brazilian Sword' right? If that's the case they're very likely dying because they are terrestrial plants. Brazilian Sword (Spathiphyllum tasson) is actually not a sword plant at all but a marginal or bog plant that is often sold at pet stores as an aquarium plant because it will survive for short periods of time submersed, but will eventually die. At least you can take some comfort in knowing that you probably don't have to worry about the problem spreading.
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