help on making a canopy

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 25, 2004
pompano beach, FL
Wanna make a canopy for my 55gal. How high should I keep the lights off of top of the tank, about 8inches sound pretty good to me. Also what are you fellas doing with your little pc fans? Should I put one on the end blowing air in and one on the other end sucking it out? Or was thinking of puttin 2 blowing air in and 2 sucking air out? What ya think. Final ? shuld I leave the back completly open or put a piece of wood with holes cut out for the ballast wires? Thanks
The distance depends on what type of lighting. Metal Halides should be around 8-10 inches above and VHO about 3-4 inches. This is how mine is set up and it works well for me.

as for the fans they should all be used to blow air OUT of the hood. I built mine solid and used rubber grommets in the holes for the ballast wires. Hope this helps
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