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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 8, 2017
I think my white molly might have ick. Looks like there is white spots on it. I know it is hard to tell in the picture. Tell me if you think this is the case and what I should do IMG_1947.jpg
It sure might be ick, but don't worry.
If the other fish look ok, I would remove the infected fish and put it in a treatment tank. Or maybe just euthanize it.
Then do a serious gravel vac.making a 20% WC. Skip a day then do another gravel vac. / WC
Watch your fish closely if they show no signs "spots / scratching " after the second WC everything is probably going to be OK.
If the fish start looking sick set your heater to 86 degrees and continue the WC, gravel vac. Every other day routine for 10 days.
I don't use medications in any of my tanks, they tend to kill off the beneficial bacteria causing a mini cycle which is sometimes worse than the disease you are trying to cure.
If you decide to medicate there are a large selection of ick cures out there.
Good luck.
I think my white molly might have ick. Looks like there is white spots on it. I know it is hard to tell in the picture. Tell me if you think this is the case and what I should do View attachment 301502
It could be ich or maybe a fungal infecrion...ive had great success using aquarium salt and raising my temp in my tank. If you have plants I don't recommend it because salt can melt some plants. I personally haven't had a problem. I also like using natural treatments that treat fungal infections...just my opinion. And check your water and make sure your ammonia etc isn't out of hand. Good luck
Okay thanks for the info I did not add salt due to having a planted aquarium just to be on the safe side but I did add a medication for ick made by tetra after I did a wc.
I haven't had a problem with salt with my plants, but check and make sure it's okay for your other fish. (Mollies love salt, it's not a problem for them at all.) But if you have catfish or other scaleless fish or snails you may want to put them into a separate quarantine tank. You can do salt dips for it in a separate container. Two tablespoons per gallon, non-iodized salt (kosher salt is easiest to get, it's non-iodized and doesn't have non-caking ingredients added). Make sure it's appx the same temp as the tank, dissolve the salt completely, put the fish in for a half hour, watching for signs of distress, then put the fish back into the tank or a quarantine tank.
Don't euthanize it, treat the whole tank, what are the tank mates as you can't use rid ich + with some species, rid ich + treat for 3 days past treatment recommended recommendation , do 10% water changes every day, gravel vac thorough , slowly raise tank temp to 85° fareignheight, doesn't really look like ich though looks more like a fungus
Liquid super ich cure works great used it on my white molly fish was cured after 3 days of treatment
Again, check the tankmates. Cories and tetras can't do a lot of the ich treatments, neither can a lot of invertebrates.
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