HELP! Pregnany guppy not doing well

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2009
Nova Scotia, Canada
I came home from work to find my pregnant guppy not doing very good. Her back is arched downward and her back also seems to have lost its colours. Also her tail fin isn't as healthy as normal. Suggestions are appreciated. I will be doing a 40% water change as soon as this post is done.

I will try to post a pic of her.


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K just got home from work and she's critical yet stable (some trauma lingo). By looking at her (see pic below) i think she has fin rot so I treated the whole tank with API Fungal medicine (says for fin rot on the box). All other fish appear normal. Ph is about 6.6 - 6.8 and temp is 77 degrees. Did 50% water change last nite and added aqua plus as usual. Is it just me or does she look like she's ready to give birth? Has anyone ever done an emergency c-section (if she dies) to save the babies??


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Update: She passed on and would have had 18 babies but I wasn't able to save them. However, got home tonite and my other preg guppy has 10 healthy little babies. Thanks guys for all the advice..Im catching on to all this stuff pretty quickly.
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