Help to ID these please

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 13, 2012
New Zealand
I everyone,
Was wondering If someone could help ID these cichlids for me. I just picked them up off a friend today. I swapped them for my silver dollars that where getting to big for my setup.

Have a look and see if you know cheers


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I agree on 2 & 3, the first one could be a brichardi, "fairy" cichlid. It looks like it has the long fins like a fairy cichlid.
First 2 Pics are Metriaclima estherae (red zebra) Male and female and agree with the others last pic is a jewel :)
You really think that first one is a red zebra? I don't see it. Look at the fins, especially the bottom fin. It's much longer then a zebra which is why I think it might be a fairy cichlid, brichardi or something like that.

Curious to hear what others say as I'm not that good at ID'ing but I really don't think the first 2 are the same type.
Yes they are dimorphic, you will find a lot of Mbuna are dimorphic nicosia :). Craig he's 100% male his pelvic fins are long yes but he looks to be a dominant male, you will find some male species (metriaclima species especially) do grow very long finage as they become adults/dominant fish. Most fish's fins in home aquariums get slightly nipped not giving them chance to grow to their full potential.
Thanks for explaining, you learn a new thing every day!!! Yeah, none of my red zebras have long fins but that explains it.
Hey thanks everyone. I can't believe how quick you all replied!
Wow heaps of knowledgable people around here.
Now I can tell my kids what type of fish we have, thanks again!
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