Help!!! Trying to save neglected fishtank

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Well I checked the guy out before adding him. He was swimming around fine all over the tank and not just at the top and I didn't see any redness around his gills so I'm hoping he's fine. I'm gonna keep a close eye on it and test for ammonia tonight in my 10 gallon.
At this point, follow eco23's guide to fishless cycling on what to look for, but if bacteria start to colonize, you'll see a reduction in ammo and some increase in nitrites. Generally it can cycle quicker in a smaller tank as the ammo is more concentrated, but it's a wait and see. If you can keep the 5.5 gal, then you'll need to either get janitorial grade ammonia or add some fish flakes to provide
the bacteria ammo.
"He's upset?:mad: Really?:facepalm: How about he get tossed and locked in a coat closet and every few hours someone pour a capful of janitorial grade ammonia on the floor. I'm sure that'll get him upset when hour by hour the air fills with ammo."

^^ This. Seriously considering the air fare to give this guy a taste of his own "medicine". Bravo you for stepping up and trying to save these fish :flowers:
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