Help with 10g?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2011
I have one female Guppy in my 10g right now, water conditions are all good with the tank 1/4 planted (still trying to grow Java Fern) and heated/filtered with a rock for hiding places.

Can a honey-set or any 4 inch gourami go with 3 female guppies?

If i cannot, what is a fish besides platies that i can add with 3 female guppies if a gourami won't do well with guppies?

Thank you :)

And can i also add 1 more female Guppy if there is enough room?

P.S. one last thing, there are these plant bulbs from walmart that can be planted in aquariums, will those be safe? Sea-Life Plants Live Aponogeton Aquarium Bulbs, 1ct: Fish

Thank you again. :D
I have one female Guppy in my 10g right now, water conditions are all good with the tank 1/4 planted (still trying to grow Java Fern) and heated/filtered with a rock for hiding places.

Can a honey-set or any 4 inch gourami go with 3 female guppies?

If i cannot, what is a fish besides platies that i can add with 3 female guppies if a gourami won't do well with guppies?

Thank you :)

And can i also add 1 more female Guppy if there is enough room?

P.S. one last thing, there are these plant bulbs from walmart that can be planted in aquariums, will those be safe? Sea-Life Plants Live Aponogeton Aquarium Bulbs, 1ct: Fish

Thank you again. :D

Any type of dwarf gourami should be fine with your guppies.

Also do not buy those bulbs, most of the time they are not true aquatic plants. They will survive for awhile, but will die. Making people believe it was them and not just the plant.
Yes thank you, almost bought them and was about to waste my money, luckly i had second thoughts :D (about the bulbs)
sholi said:
Yes thank you, almost bought them and was about to waste my money, luckly i had second thoughts :D (about the bulbs)

I think you should get a honey gourami instead, they stay small and will not be as crammed as regular four or five inch gouramis.
I don't know if this goes with most guppies but when I had only 4 females in my 10g planted tank they got very territorial and aggressive towards each other. Upon further reading I found even females can get aggressive when there is no male present.

When I introduced a 2 males the aggressiveness stopped.
What about dwarf gouramis? They are peaceful and are good looking.
Yeah but, when 3 female guppies with a gourami, will the 3 guppies fight because of this thing over dominance so there can be a male or something like that?
Yeah. Male dwarf gouramis wont be mean to guppies. I believe they will only be aggressive with other gouramis when there is a female gourami in the same tank.
My male dwarf gourami was aggressive once... when he had dropsy. I didn't know until I saw him being aggressive to my guppies because they like to be near him and hang out. I checked him out for sickness and stuff and he was fat and round... so I quarantined him. But unfortunately it was too late. :( he died the next day. I got another one later on, but he just randomly died for some reason. He was fine in the morning, then when I came home, he was dead and laying sideways on the gravel. I am assuming it was because there was a small amount of ammonia in the tank, because I had added more fish to it. So the bacteria took a few days to expand the colony, so the fish had to endure some ammonia for a few days. The only downside to dwarf gouramis is that they are super sensitive to ammonia and other things like that, and get sick really easily.
maxwellag said:
My male dwarf gourami was aggressive once... when he had dropsy. I didn't know until I saw him being aggressive to my guppies because they like to be near him and hang out. I checked him out for sickness and stuff and he was fat and round... so I quarantined him. But unfortunately it was too late. :( he died the next day. I got another one later on, but he just randomly died for some reason. He was fine in the morning, then when I came home, he was dead and laying sideways on the gravel. I am assuming it was because there was a small amount of ammonia in the tank, because I had added more fish to it. So the bacteria took a few days to expand the colony, so the fish had to endure some ammonia for a few days. The only downside to dwarf gouramis is that they are super sensitive to ammonia and other things like that, and get sick really easily.

Wow that must have sucked. :( Sorry that was your experience :(
If the gourami doesn't work you could try mollies or swordtails.
Yeah. Balloon belly mollies are cute but I thought I read that they are somehow forced into that shape or something... lyretail mollies are cool. They can get pretty big though.
Yea I currently have 2 black mollies for fun btw they are good algae eaters
Another fish to look into that has become popular on this website are endlers livebearers. I have 2 currently and they are very colorful and beautiful plus they are very active and fun to watch! This is of course if the dwarf gourami or honey gourami don't work out!
Yea that's y I said you have to research the fishes Ayer specifications
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