Help with API nitrite reading

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 1, 2020
Hello last month we inherited a Betta from a family friend moving to US. It was in a 0.5 gallon plastic container, unheated and unfiltered which I would not stand to continue.
So I got a 5 gallon tank with filter and heater, and cycled (I thought!) Completely. Nitrites were hovering at trace levels less than 0.25. When they hit zero I went for it and maybe should have left another few days to stabilize. Now he's in and I don't think it is better to move him back so I am dosing with prime and stability.
Nitrites are hovering around the .5-1 I think? But I don't know whether to read the "purpleness" or the "darkness"?
Image attached.
By purpleness I say 1 but it is very light. I am stressing over it more because the Betta is in tank now and I'm hesitant to out him back in the small tank if I can get him through with Prime.
I've done a couple of 30% water changes but frustratingly haven't really seen much of a change in nitrites after that.


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