help with choosing first cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2009

I was wandering if anyone could give me idea's on what types of cichlids could go in my tank and the quantity?

Tank is: 19.5 inches high, 24.5 inches wide and 18 inches deep. 37.2 gallons.

by the way i like colour :)


(i've also posted a thread on the general area before finding the cichlid discussion.. does anyone know how to delete that thread?)
With that size tank it rules out the vast majority of cichlids but there all some smaller that would work. Rams are colorful, somewhat peaceful and easy to care for depending on where you buy them from. There is also some small Tang shell dwellers.
multies or occies would be awesome in there... you could have quite a few, and they'll do fine with plants if you wanted to go that route with them as well. if not, I guess you'll need to stick with rams or apistos... you could probably do one angel with a few larger tetras as well
You could have a nice little family of Apisto species in that tank, get babies galore and have a great lookin bunch of fish as well.




thanks everyone!.. i love all of the suggestions!.. I think i'll go towards the rams or the apistos.. i'm leaning more towards apistos tho :) .. but i have heaps of time to decide.

To start up what do you suggest i buy? Like how many apistos and female to male ratio. Can i put a few different types of apistos in the 1 tank?
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