Help with medication

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 1, 2018
New York
Hi guys I have a sick gourami that I have been treating with general cure for 2 days now and when I was at my LFS the guy said if this doesnt work get another stronger med (I forgot the name) I added 2 packets to my comunity 20 gallon and removed the carbon but I haven't seen that many sighs of improvement my question is when should I expect to see improvement?
Medicating Fish

Hi guys I have a sick gourami that I have been treating with general cure for 2 days now and when I was at my LFS the guy said if this doesnt work get another stronger med (I forgot the name) I added 2 packets to my comunity 20 gallon and removed the carbon but I haven't seen that many sighs of improvement my question is when should I expect to see improvement?

Hello connor...

Putting chemicals into the tank water is never a good idea. For starters, you never know how your fish will react to them. The best remedy for a sick fish is lots of large, frequent water changes, vacuum the bottom material regularly and add a bit of standard aquarium salt to the replacement water. A teaspoon or so in every 5 gallons of new, treated tap water. Infections, parasites and viruses aren't able to tolerate pure water conditions and most parasites won't be able to reproduce with a trace of salt in their water. Add to this, a varied diet of low phosphate flakes, freeze dried and frozen foods.

The other serious problem with adding medications to a cycled main tank is that you will wreck your cycle. When you kill the beneficial bacteria that make your water safe for your fish, you get spikes of ammonia and nitrite that will further weaken an already sick fish and ultimately kill all your fish. If you absolutely need to medicate, it's best to do it in a quarantine tank.

Large water changes with dechlorinator are imperative no matter what. They will not only give your fish pristine water for recovery, but also will remove any ammonia and nitrite that may be building up if you did damage your cycle. You will need to be testing water daily and might have to let hte cycle reestablish. This all assumes that your tank was cycled in the first place. If it was not, that was probably the cause of the problems, and you should read up on cycling immediately.

Is this a dwarf gourami? If so, there's a high chance that you are dealing with an incurable iridovirus. I avoid dwarf gouramis as a rule because so many of them are infected already when they are imported.

I'm sorry your fish is sick, and I hope he gets better.
Yeah it was cycled for a year I'm gonna stop medicating and "dispose" for lack of a better word the fish he was a dwarf gourami my 2nd try with them they just wont work for me I did take the filters out so I will add them back and do water changes problem is I'm gonna be away tomorrow and cant do a water change now so I'm gonna wait till sunday the other fish are livebearer so they'll tough through the wait bad the mini cycle hopefully
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