Help with my angle fish please!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 11, 2013
I purchased 5 tiny angle fish about two weeks ago and everything seemed to be running smoothly until I started to loose one every day. It seems as though they will not eat. The last angle I have now is extremely skinny and I'm out of ideas to help it out. Can someone help?
I've tried. Omega one flakes,dried blood worms, frozen blood worms, and small pellets.
Hmm... Did anything significant happen? A breeding partner died?
No, I don't believe they are mature yet. All other fish in the tank are healthy and happy too
Interesting, all the other fish eat? Are your water parameters good? A disease?
Everyone is eating and growing. Only parameter that is a tad high in nitrates.
And as for a disease, I don't think so his colors are all bright. It could be something internal unfortunetly
I've always had them in at least one tank but now I'm discouraged. I'm beginning a saltwater 20 gallon soon.
You may have just had a bad batch. It is known for young angels from a nonreputable place to just die off.
I've never had problems with the LSF I purchased them from before. Maybe I'll give it another go
Guppies,swordtails,neons,cories,khulis,Australian rainbows, bristle noses,banjo cat.

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