Help With Nerite Snails, Please

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 18, 2020
My two tiger nerites are going through the obvious signs of mating. This is not piggyback rides, they were definitely attached *that way* for hours :brows:

I've done my research and know that any eggs won't hatch in freshwater. And that nerites are not asexual, they need a male and a female to produce eggs. And that a female may continue laying eggs as little dots around the aquarium.

All this leads me to assume that I have a male and a female and I can expect the egg laying cycle to begin soon.

But here's the question I cannot find answered anywhere: What if they're not different sexes? Do two nerite males -or two females - ever go through the motions of mating? So that there may possibly not be any eggs?
Im not sure about whether 2 males or 2 females will still go through the motions, but i suspect they wont. However female nerites will still lay eggs even without a male, they just wont be fertilised. People with single nerites report it periodically laying eggs regardless, so unless you have 2 males expect eggs.
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