Help with Sailfin Molly Fry

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 5, 2009
Yonkers, N.Y.
I bought 4 Sailfin Mollies about a week ago. My LFS told me that there were 2 pregnant females and 2 males. I have been in the hobby for years and have never had a fish, at least to the best of my knowledge, lay eggs or have fry. Well, while I was looking at my tank yesterday I saw a tiny version of a black Sailfin Molly! After further inspection I counted 2 more hiding in different areas of the tank. I have read other threads on this site about seperate fry tanks, but I think I'm past that point because they are way to small to catch. I probably should have put the females in a seperate tank BEFORE they gave birth. What am I supposed to do know? I have a 72g tank that is populated with other fish (about 12 tetras, 1 guppie, 9 Amano shrimp, 2 rope fish, and the mollies) that I am afraid will try to eat the fry. Today I can only find 2 of them. I hope the other one is just hiding somewhere I cant see it. I also read that mollies can have upwards of 100 fry at a time. Why am I only seeing 3? HELP! I feel like a grandfather who does'nt know how to take care of his grandkids.
they CAN have up to 100, the first bath is usually no more than 10-15. they will eat them 100% guarantee. use a turkey baster or a small net to catch them, and put them into a lee's breeders net.
Ok. Assuming I have the dexterity to suck these guys into a turkey baster and but them into a breeders net/hang on tank, is there anything special I should be doing for them? Will they eat normal flake food? Or are there some other special suppliments? Thanks for your help.
Flake food is fine. Just crush it up a bit smaller. They will pick at it as it softens. Also some of the brands of fish food carry "fry food". Ground up flake food is all it is.
Thanks for the help. I was able to suck them up, in a turkey baster, and put them in a hang-on, net, basket that I bought.
Thanks Again.
Wow... I just saw this thread and thought for sure the update would be that they were all gone (I was betting on the ropefish). I'm glad it was different, great job! :)

You'll have PLENTY more fry to contend with in the future... lol
Thanks. But I'm alittle stuck again. My pregnant white molly looked like she was about to burst last night and when I got up this morning, she was thin again. I then searched the tank for little white mollies, but there were'nt any. I'm assuming the other fish had an all night, all you can eat buffet. Logic tells me that, next time, when I notice the female is looking big, I should put her in fry net so she can give birth in there. But (and this was a long way to go for a question, I'm sorry) if I put her in there, is'nt she going to eat the two fry I have in there allready? Will she eat her own fry when they come out?
Yes, they will eat their own. :(

If you want to raise the fry, I'd suggest adding places in the tank that they'll be able to go that the other fish cant. Some sort of decor, plants, etc. Somewhere to hide out so that some may make it until you can net them. With males and females in the tank, I promise you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice! ;)
Yes, they will eat their own. :(

If you want to raise the fry, I'd suggest adding places in the tank that they'll be able to go that the other fish cant. Some sort of decor, plants, etc. Somewhere to hide out so that some may make it until you can net them. With males and females in the tank, I promise you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice! ;)

Agreed. What I've found that works good with our guppies and platys is using those little clay flowerpots. The real little ones, stand them so the wide open end is in the gravel so that the little drainage hole is facing up, and hide them behind some plants. The fry swarm into them and stay safe because the bigger fish can't get down the little drainage hole. Those pots are real cheap at any store that sells garden supplies. I always keep a few on hand for decorating or planting some of the aquarium plants in.

Only problem is then you get over run with babies. I don't know about in your area but here we have a web site kind of like craigslist but it's called freecycle. We give away babies to help thin the numbers. Keeping only the ones that we like. You could probably do that on craigslist as well, or even your LFS might work out trade. (not chain stores like Petsmart or Petco)
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