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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 20, 2012
Have a ten gallon with 1 neon blue dwarf gourami 1 red gourami 2 guppies 1 cardinal tetra!!!
I just got a 20 gallon and don't know if I should move my fish or buy new ones????
i would move the gravel, filter (with filter media and bio sponge) and all decor over to the new tank along with the fish to keep the bb then slowly add fish after that
just make sure NOTHING drys out
I have another filter and the 20 gallon is already cycled!!!!! How many fish can I put in the 20 gallon???
hmmm that is tough i see that the 1inch per gallon does not really apply with a fishless cycled tank all i can say is stock until you see your trates start rising to fast before your water change can bring them down to safe level my tank has 6 peppered corys 2 three lined corys and 11 endlers live bears and it takes around a week for my tratest to rise to 20 so im thinking of just adding a couple more schooling fish and calling it that and my tank is 29 gallon

but as for now i would go with 5 more cardinals , and 4 guppies and is your dgs male or female
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