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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 20, 2012
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So I was thinking about setting up a rainwater collection system. Keeping the barrels in my basement so they stay closer to the temp I need. My question is would it be safe for use in aquariums and if anyone here does this or has done this. Thanks for any help.
I did some research a couple years ago on this and needless to say I didnt go threw with it. The reason being you don't know for sure what the water will have chemically wise coming from your roof or ground.
Andrew McFadden said:
I did some research a couple years ago on this and needless to say I didnt go threw with it. The reason being you don't know for sure what the water will have chemically wise coming from your roof or ground.

Yea that was my main concern as well and the only other alternative would be to build a massive collection bowl to get enough water and that just sounds pretty impractical. Thanks.
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