here again more nemo horror

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 24, 2003
stories in todays paper....if it turns out it is thanks to rr resizing photo thread :twisted:
maybe they should have fresh water fish and then the plumbers can save them or move to fiji
Maybe Disney should put a disclaimr in their movie!! Lor, do you mind if I post that pic on a couple more boards?
U know what pisses me off is the extent people acutally belive that fish are some "lower form of life" because we cant interact with them like dogs or cats. I mean if this was a finding rover movie about a dog and its lost puppy do you think they would have done a "spoof public service announcment".

I mean if it was a finding rover movie and the subplot was that dogs really wanted to live in the wild and not in our homes and kids around the country where taking their dogs outside and letting them off their lesh to 'be free' would ou think a nationaly broadcast show would make light of the situation.
If the plot of the movie is based on how much it sucks to be in an aquarium, wouldn't the kids want to not get one at all? Wouldn't they want to help fundraisers that keep the fish in the ocean?
yeah but kids are unknowledgable, and their parents more so when they just want to make their kid happy or quiet :wink: What I think is more brutal is the fact that the sales people in fish departments actually let this happen. You'd think that a parents coming in to buy a clown fish, but specifically say "That fish from Nemo" or some deal like that would set off alarms in their heads... but I guess the only alarms that go off are greedy ones.
Well I dont want to give the movie away for anyone waiting to see it on video but the plot does not deal directly with how fish hate to live in an aquarium. THe part about fish wanting to get back to the ocean is at most a subplot of the main story.

The main story plot of the movie had nothing to do with fish nor did it have anything to do with aquariums. The aquarium and the great barrier reef was simply the setting that they chose but it could have easily been a real movie with real actors shot on a very real soundstage and still kept the main story.
ok, I read the article and all I have to say is either that person from roto rooter is making it all up, or people there are truly stupid. I can not imagine any adult dumb enough to not realize, once flushed, it is history.

Lets get beyond that. I do not think the makers of the movie are to blame for this, anymore than the makers of the movie where the guy lay down on the yellow line on the highway was to blame for the moron kids that thought they would try it and then died. At some time, you have to draw the line and make people take responsibility for their own actions, and frankly, that includes the parents that buy their kids anything they want, just for the asking, without any thought of consequence. Not just fish, but any type of pet that ends up dead or in animal shelters due to stupidity and neglect.

(Lisa puts on her flame retardent suit and gets ready)
The line:
"All drains lead to the ocean" was repeated a few times in the movie. From the article I get that small children, that don't know any better are getting the fish and flushing them. However, I am not so sure the Rotorooter woman doesn't work for PETA ;)
I agree Kevin, I have not seen the movie, but from what you say I am thinking that little kids are flushing fish out.
(Lisa puts on her flame retardent suit and gets ready)

Well they flame you then they flame me all at the same time cause I have the same values as you do when it comes to people being responsible for their own actions.
d9hp said:
I agree Kevin, I have not seen the movie, but from what you say I am thinking that little kids are flushing fish out.

hmmm, I am a mom of 3, grandmother of 4, I have yet to see a "little kid" that is capable of getting a clownfish from a tank. Heck, I can barely catch my fish when I need to. The mess and noise involved would be unreal. Anyone old enough to accomplish this task, is old enough to know better and I once again, put the culpability to the parent.
This is true of some, my new clown can be caught with your hand, you put it over the tank and it thinks it's lunch tim, I do have my reservations as you do, and I don't think this is happening where parents actually give a ratts butt about the fish (if it's happening at all), but my kid could do it, he just knows he would miss the use of his fingers for the 6-8 weeks he was in the cast (he's 7 btw) :twisted:
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