here is my fish only

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2003
mid west
Not as great as most of yours but it is a fish only tank . when the fish outgrow it they will move into a larger tank.


  • march_006_zza.jpg
    67.1 KB · Views: 303
Dont be so hard on yourself. The tank looks fine. What are some of the specs of the tank and the inhabitants?
Full grown convict blenny came with tank.
Yellow tang, huma trigger, spiny puffer, firefish, some small ebay snails, the tank is a 54 gal corner tank although it sets next to a 29 gal and not in a corner. I have a 10gal sump, prism skimmer because of its thin size. heater came with tank don't know make on it. a couple power heads for water movement. I feed shrimp from grocery store frozen brim and frozen grill. man these fish can eat. I will move the trigger to a larger tank a friend has once it is large enough to get along with his huge fish. and we will get something else in there then. I will not add any more fish in there now until he moves out.
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