hey guys new aquarium owner! any advise?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 8, 2012
Hey fellow fish friends I'm new to. Having an aquarium, ill tell you about it. I have a ten gallon tank, with a filter, and air pump bubble thing(not sure what to call it), a thermometer. My tank has 5 decor plants all spaced out for my fish to swim in the middle and top, and I have a little round decor item which alows fish to also hide in. I wanna make sure that everything looks correct to the fish goers that have done this for a while. Now for my fishys I have all guppies, 2 males and 5 females, I believe 2 or 3 are pregnant(how I bought them). I've studied up on guppies and I hope everything was correct. I have a few questions to ask y'all ( hahaha Texas here).

1. One of my females are preg for sure and is getting larger, I had a females two days ago give birth, not sure which one and had 4 fry left over. I had no idea it was gunna happen and it did and the frys are happy and well. My main question is what are the keys signs to look for?

2. Randomly or when I watch them my fish will nip at each other but its not all the time. Sometimes its the malees sometime females but they seem to protect each other from whoever is doing it. How do I stop this and also will this stress out my females guppy who is very large and pregnant?

Thanks and all advise is welcomed!
I hope I told y'all enough!

Cynthia( bubleguppy_2013)
welcome, and hello:)

guppies are my favorite fish, i have kept them and bred them many times. i have just returned to fish keeping from a 5 year break, but i can tell you not to worry so much guppies are soo easy.

what exatcly is your first question?

if your females have been kept with males at all at any point they are pregnant, female guppies can store sperm for months, they usually drop fry every 25-30ish days.

and the second question well nipping or chasing is mostly normal behavior , unless it is causing ripped fins or one fish is predominately very aggressive and harasses another fish none stop, then i would remove that particular fish.
Well one of my females just gave birth to 6 health fry 1 egg and 1 little guy that is tryin to unravel himself. I can't really tell whether she is done or not. I'm afraid to return her to the tank and then she continue having her fry. Is there anything that I could look for to see whether she's done or not?

For the second question there is one male that you can see his tail has been nipped at quite a bit and now he swims by himself. Should I be concerned?
you should be able to tell mostly by looking at her, they will usually look thiner, and the gravid spot will be less noticeable. if she dropped fry in the main tank most of her fry may have been eaten.
not sure what you mean by 1 egg? and some times fry are just deformed and culling is appropriate.

unless you want to keep lots of babies for a breeding program or sell/trade then you can just keep the females in the the main tank and let them drop fry there.
you will have many babies anyway,

you can send me a pm if you have more questions or if you post else where in general freshwater or getting started you might get more advice.

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