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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 11, 2013
Thought I would introduce myself and let you know where I'm coming from. First off I don't know what the average age is for this forum but I just turned 46. I been acting out the part of Over The Road Trucker for the past fifteen years. Just came off the road to lead a so called "normal" life :banghead:. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has a trade off. One of the perks was discovering fish. Yea couldn't do that at 70 mph could I. LOL.

My step-son got me a 29 gal tank and schooled me on the basics. Went out and got me a couple fancy looking Goldfish and a Beta to get the water going for the fish I really wanted that you can't buy at Walmart. Couple 3 weeks go by and Beta's hangin under a plant sideways. End up loosing him but the goldfish is happy as a monkey in a banana tree. So I start asking questions. Mmmhumm. Yep. But my beloved wife has this crazy idea that goldfish are people too and I'm in bit of a pickle. So I decide we need a new fish. We named him Oscar. Except, as cool as he is, he doesn't play well with.....well....anybody! So now I got a 29 gal tank with a rapidly growing fish that's chasing around a couple of placastomus and a couple of oversized goldfish that he couldn't handle.

Stepson ends up moving and not having room for one of his 29 gal tanks. Now I have another tank in my living room with 4 baby angelfish. I'm getting four more on Friday foe the soul purpose of breading and selling them. The idea came when I realized how hard it was to get Angelfish in my area. More tanks are in my future to accommodate all these fish and the little ones they produce. Except I don't no what the heck I'm doing.

Still working on backing the wife off of the idea that the fish need so much food. I'm home on the weekends only right now so I can't give them the attention needed for breeding. Got some automatic feeders on the way.

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