Hi Everybody

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 4, 2003
Harlow, Essex. UK
Hi folks
Sorry i have not been about for the last few weeks, i have just moved store and it has been a bit hectic hear. I have not forgot any of you and i should be back on a regular basis by the beginning of the year.
I had to have my internet disconnected when i moved and it won't be back properly until the 2/1/04, it has been a bit of a nightmare to get on to leave you all a message to let you know i was still about.
I will wish you all a belated merry christmas and a happy new year, talk soon.
Bye for now.
Well so glad to hear from you! We were all wondering, and we sent Allivymar over there to track you down....(well, she was going anyway :wink: )

Hope all goes well with the move, and Merry New Year!
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