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louis jumped

Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 14, 2005
to not only this forum but ANY internet forum.

So, apologies if this topic has been recently covered. My question is, of my four platties, two are skinny and two are fat. The fattest one just took his last breath (sigh). My water quality has always (one year) been great. The only thing different lately is that yesterday's 99 degree heat prompted me to add several buckets of cool water to keep the tank temperature below 84 degrees. OK, thanks for any advice!
how many degrees did you drop the tank over how long a period of time (before temp - after temp) - also, did they get fat after you added the water? what source was the water from, could it have been bad water?
the fat platties were always bigger compared to the skinny ones.

I keep the tank temp. around 78 degrees. In the record-breaking heat yesterday, the tank temperature was 84 in the morning. I did a water change and then periodically added back small amounts of cool water. I was able to keep the temp around 82-84 - the house temp (no AC) was 91. I used the same tap water as always, but a different chlorine remover than usual.
Could that have been the problem possibly? I heard great advice somewhere - always be consistant with the things that are working for yoU!

Also, I prefer to aerate my water minimum 24 hours to be sure of no chlorine and all that, but I realize you were trying to get temp down. Try a fan over the water on your tank for the summertime.
I wouldn't worry about the temp being at anthing below 85. A constant temp (like anything in fish-keeping actually) is better than having the perfect temperature. Avoid rapid changes and the fish should be fine. So long as it is close to 80 and not fluctuating rapidly, I don't see any problems the temp could cause. Possibly it was your new water conditioner.

People around here all seem to use Seachem Prime and that is it. It is all I use.

Welcome to AA! Do you have any pictures of your tank? We like visuals :)

How about specifics? Tank size, substrate, hardware (filter, heater, etc.), creature list, and what you test for and how you test.

Don't worry about asking questions that may have already been asked. We were all new to this at one time or another (I know I still am), and we all have questions - which is what makes this site so interesting and addictive :)
I'll work on sending some photos. We've had a tank for five years. We graduated from a 30 gal. to 125 gal last summer. (it was free, we HAD to take it!). About half of the starters are still around and nothing was lost when we moved the originals over from the smaller tank.

We have three angels, two are mates.
1 sailfin pleco
4 corydoras in medium and small size
2 gouramis
2 rams
5 silver tip tetras
3 danios
3 lampeye tetras
3 pink tetras
3 platties (there used to be 5; I lost one today. The other was named Louis and he jumped out!)
and room for more -- any suggestions?

We have two undergravel filter systems. The hardest part was getting used to the water changes and now it's very easy. We just run the old water from the gravel vaccum through a hose and into the garden! We test the water at the fish store and it's always been perfect.

Thanks for all the replies.
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