Hi! New to the forum.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 24, 2014
New Hampshire
Hi there everyone,

Just a quick intro. I have been keeping fish for 20 years or so. First aquarium around 13 years old.

Currently have 2. 10 gallon for my 3 year old with Malaysian DW, java moss, Water Sprite, Swords and Halferi. Stock is Glowlights, Gold Pristella and 2 Peppered Cory.

My setup is a new 90 gallon with Manzanita and one piece Malaysian DW. Dwarf Hairgrass, Swords, Crypt and Anubias. Eco-Complete planted red. Looking for more plants. Current inhabitants are Neons and Sterbai Cory.

Look forward to learning from those more experienced than I!
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Hope you stay here! This forum is very useful and nice if you treat everything on it right. Welcome to the forum :lol:
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