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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 29, 2008
Hi guys,
I have just set up my first planted tank, so I thought I'd pop in and introduce myself and say hi and thanks for all the advice I've found on this site to get me to this point!
I have a question though.. Do you guys find that when you plant you tank for the first time it doesn't look quite like you imagined it would?
I' thinking of diy co2 now so it grows in faster.. so much for low tech:)
I forgot to mention, please lord, abolish fibreglass rooting material and baskets for hairgrass (especially when you have to untangle 15), amen.
Quick update, while I was saying my little prayer, my aquarium overflowed because I was filling it up and got distracted... so I'll take that as a "no way they're staying" to my prayer :shock:
So, take note and never get distracted. My floorboards wont enjoy this.
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