High pH in Tap Water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 21, 2014
Hi, I'm a new fish enthusiast here and I was wondering if I could get opinions on what I should do about my water chemistry.

First off about my tank, I spent 6 weeks doing a fishless cycle and recently finished it last week. It is a 29 gallon freshwater tank and I have 2 orandas and 4 nerite snails. I also have some plants: 2 water sprites, 2 anubias, a few water cabbages, 2 amazon swords, and a java fern. I'm running a fluval 206 canister filter and an aquaclear 30 hang on back filter for filtration.

Things are looking pretty good at the moment but I was wondering if I can get opinions about optimizing the water that I use.

I'm currently using just tap water and it is pretty hard with a high pH and some nitrates. I'm currently using the API testing kits to test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, KH, and GH. I also use Prime to condition the water.

Tap Water:
pH: 8.2
KH: 12
GH: 11
Nitrates: 20 ppm

When I actually test my tank water after about a week, my pH is actually higher than my tap at around 8.4 or so. To me, it seems like this is a little on the high end. After doing research online, I'm seeing various opinions about this: just let the fish get used to the pH, mixing tap water with RO water/distilled water/spring water, or using something like peat granules in a reservoir tank. The only thing that I can really find that is unanimous is to not use chemicals to lower the pH.

Given my specific situation, what do you guys suggest I should try to do?

Orandas and other goldfish are perfectly fine in water with a pH of 8.2; I wouldn't mess with it. It sounds like you have plenty of filtration right now. Are your fish still small? They will be outgrowing your tank at some point--definitely within the year. You might want to read up on the keeping of goldfish in the coldwater forum.
Orandas and other goldfish are perfectly fine in water with a pH of 8.2; I wouldn't mess with it. It sounds like you have plenty of filtration right now. Are your fish still small? They will be outgrowing your tank at some point--definitely within the year. You might want to read up on the keeping of goldfish in the coldwater forum.


Great advice! Your tap water is perfectly fine for your goldfish. They actually do better in higher ph, hard water. Do not stress over your tap water as its fine. These guys grow very quickly so be prepared to upgrade sooner rather than later. Please ask any questions! :)
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