High Stress Start Molting?

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Well I got a cleaner shrimp, yesterday I saw it cleaning my Coral Beauty.

Today it kinda is staying in one spot not moving much (it is the shrimp not a molt)

Is it molting cuz of the higher stress yesterday? Or is this normal for them to kinda stay in one area?
what if theres no fish cuz i just got my cleaner shrimp and he is also just hanging out in one spot. also can someone please explain what a molt is?
I dont know all the tech stuff but the whole outside of thr shrimp,crab or lobster will shed. It will ussually hide for a few days after this since his new outside is very soft and needs to harden. The technicians will give you the tech terms
please explain what a molt is?
Basically, the shrimp sheds it's exoskeleton- like a snake sheds it's skin. The new exoskeleton will be soft for a fews days, and not provide much protection. That is why the shrimp will hide during this period.

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