hmmm.. what to put in it?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Ontario Canada
Hello everyone!
I'm looking for stocking suggestions; in particular I'd like to know if certain fish produce less waste than others ( more specifically than slender and long vs. fat and stubby ). My 20 ga tank is just about cycled. Water readings are ph 7.75, gh 24, kh 8. I like sunset platies, but have heard they're kind of dirty. Clearly goldfish are out :) Thanks!
Hi newtank and welcome to the forum. :D

That's an interesting question. Some fish are huge waste producers (goldfish, plecos, oscars). IMO it isn't something you should be concerned about. Your tank and conditions seem ideal for platies. As long as you don't overstock with proper fitration and gravel vacs/regular water changes, you can keep platies without any problem.

any livebearers are great. especially platies :) try to find some endler's livebearers... theyre sometimes hard to find in stores, but if you find some, theyre very colourful and tiny, so i suggest them also.
black skirt tetras are very nice too

have fun!
I'm a platy person and they're great...very colorful and active. Waste shouldn't be a problem with them. They also get along great with tetras and angels.

Oh...yeah.. :n00b: Welcome to AA :n00b:
[center:0c6771351e] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, newtank!! :n00b: [/center:0c6771351e]
With proper PWC weekly, there should be no problems with platies.
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