hmmmm Pleco changing color

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2003
University of Michigan
my common pleco is about 9 inches and lives a good clean and well fed life.

im noticeing that he is been getting white areas latley. not white ich like but almost looks like the he molting or shedding and the white areas are in bands and fit in with the patterns the fish normally has on his skin.

any one?
Do you notice these white patches after you feed hm, or after a fish has stressed him out? It could be a stress thing.

Also, do you notice them more at night, or during the day? It could be a camoflauge thing as well.
IS the skin itself changing? Or just the color? Have you changed lighting or substrate (or anything else in the tank) lately?

If the skin itself looks fine, it may be a camoflauge thing as lmw suggested. I know my 8 inch plec did something similar when he moved into his curent tank; he was very dark initially, but started having lighter stripes on his bod in the new tank. They are all very even and symmetrical.
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