HOB filter

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
In my ten gallon fowlr, I have an HOB filter, but it seems like they aren't very accepted in the aquarium world. I was just wondering why, and the more favorable types of mechanical filtration?
Bettafanatic said:
In my ten gallon fowlr, I have an HOB filter, but it seems like they aren't very accepted in the aquarium world. I was just wondering why, and the more favorable types of mechanical filtration?

For a ten gallon they are fine but anything higher a sump is better. When I first started I used 2 HOB filters for my 55. I still use one on my 10 gallon.
For my next saltwater tank, which is a 30 gallon reef, it'll be on a countertop so I can't use a sump. Can I use two HOB filters instead?
It depends on the aquariust too. As long as you take care of water changes your fine I suggest a aqua clear hob filter covert it to a refugium if you want or just put live rock in it. Also use enough powerheads.
Look at my pics im running a aquaclear 20 with floss and live rock in it. 12g nano reef
Thank goodness. I'm always on top of water changes so I should be fine. I'll convert one of them into a refugium. Thanks!
Bettafanatic said:
For my next saltwater tank, which is a 30 gallon reef, it'll be on a countertop so I can't use a sump. Can I use two HOB filters instead?

Look into HoB skimmers instead. And if you wanted a small HOB powerfilter could be converted to a refugium.
Bettafanatic said:
So only the skimmers are needed?

Technically all you need is live rock and water changes. Skimmers will remove organics instead of trapping them and a small hang on fuge with some macro will keep any remaining nitrates minimal. Mechanical filtration is not really needed. And large debri will break down and be removed by the skimmer or you will siphon it as you should during water changes.
Technically all you need is live rock and water changes. Skimmers will remove organics instead of trapping them and a small hang on fuge with some macro will keep any remaining nitrates minimal. Mechanical filtration is not really needed. And large debri will break down and be removed by the skimmer or you will siphon it as you should during water changes.

Sounds great. Less work for me! I don't think I will have room for a refugium though
I have a 55 reef aquarium and been running for almost a lil more than a month with two hob aquen 55-75 power filter and doing fine I left the cartridges in but jammed all the holes available with ceramic rings and still trying to establish the biological filtration
reyma10 said:
I have a 55 reef aquarium and been running for almost a lil more than a month with two hob aquen 55-75 power filter and doing fine I left the cartridges in but jammed all the holes available with ceramic rings and still trying to establish the biological filtration

You have live rock correct? Then why why would you need ceramic rings to establish bio filtration? Short answer, you don't need anymore biofiltration, sufficient live rock takes care of ALL biological filtration.
When it comes to HOB filters, they are usually skipped in favor of a sump for more water to the system. I have run HOB filters and skimmers when my sumps aren't up and running on my tanks. When it comes to filters, I really like biowheels personally. But there is alot of customization you can do to hob filters, like mentioned above, so that you can have a refugium like mentioned above, or simply running other media in it, through pads or bagged media like gfo or purigen.
I think for my next tank I'll go with just the skimmers. I think I'll do a Refugium in an HOB filter but how would I provide the proper care to the algae I grow inside?
Bettafanatic said:
I think for my next tank I'll go with just the skimmers. I think I'll do a Refugium in an HOB filter but how would I provide the proper care to the algae I grow inside?

Most use chaeto macro, and it only requires light. A simple clip on refugium light will work.
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