Holy crap HELP !!!!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 16, 2004
I just tested my nitrates and I'd say they're up around 80 ....... I realize water changes will fix this.... but is there any thing else i can do ???????
Chemicals are really not the answer. Start with the water changes right away.
What do you have in your tank now?
What size tank do you have?
Information like this will help people here be able to help you better.
Protein skimmer IMO is a must.

First start with the water changes immediately.

Post back with the rest of your water parameters

PH, Ammonia and Nitirites are all good. Right now I have a 55gal with two HOB filters and and two power heads. Livestock includes

Two Damsels (Three stripe, Blue)
Two tiny clowns
One Yellow Tang
One Foxface
One physco goby

Six large snails
One coral banded shrimp
One cleaner shrimp
a handful of hermit crabs
One chocolate chip starfish

30 lbs. of LR
That is funny that your nitrates spiked with that kinda cleanup crew... any chance that something died off in your tank and is rotting? Def do some water changes. Your inverts will be hit the hardest... everythign else should live because nitrates are the least harmful of the three. Def not good for a longer time period though.
What kind of hob's? If they are the ones with "bio wheels" then ditch the wheels do your water changes and your probally fine.
Why would the bio-wheels hurt anything??? thought they'd be good for the bio-filter.... as for die off.... I had an anemone I wasn't sure if he was dying the last few days but this morning I had a huge blow up of diatoms and the anemone's tentacles were almost nil ...... I wonder if he's been dying off and jacking up my water...

I don't understand though.... how would the clean up crew help the nitrates??? by taking care of the loose food???? breaking it down further than if it just floated around????

keep the advice comming......
Diatomes are a side effect of high nitrates. Def don't want an anenome dying in yoru tank because it can create mass havock. The biowheels have to be cleaned off every once in a while (or ditched if that is teh case).... they are meant to keep vital bacteria but still have to be cleaned/removed when they get old. Anenomies can be very sensitive to water changes. Be careful because you could lose the entire tank if he croakes. Maybe someone else knows if an anenome die off results in a nitrate problem because I don't.
The clean up crew would basically do just that. Clean up any left over food and waste. Therefore ridding the tank of material that the nitrifying bacteria need to break down which eventually turns into nitrate.
A good cleanup crew is valuable, but I am inclined to wonder if its not your biowheel that is the problem, or a dead animal somewhere.
Something about the biowheels in sw messes with the nitrates. In fw they are fine. I got more biowheels laying around than you can shake a stick at. :roll:
Well I got rid of the anemone... is was only a condy... cost me six bux..... but I'm not risking my tank for that sucker.... will get rid of the bio-wheel asap.... should I replace it ??????

O and another question.... I got a hitchhiker starfish on a snail I recently picked up.... not sure of what it is... it's still pretty small... it's got six legs though and is a sandy/yellowish/brownish color.... right now it's no bigger than a dime...
a pic would help. How big is he?
Most hitchicker stars are serpents. Good sand sifters.
well he's not a long skinny leg type.... he's your average everyday bulky starfish.... just a whole lot smaller.....
Kewl....... what kinda snail is this ????? I'm pretty sure this is the type I have six of.....
Turbo, I think. I have a bunch of these. I have one that is getting close to the size of a tennis ball. 8O

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