hood light problems

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 20, 2011
:( Has anyone had hood light problems like this, my flouresent light gave out on my twenty gallon tank, so I went down today and bought another one. Got it put in, turned the light on and it worked, for a few minutes, then went out. I took the inarda apart, and there is a starter in it as well as a transformer looking piece. Can I test these with a volt meter and get a good read out. I have no idea if I can even get replacement parts. Likely have to replace the light part. been thinking of just buying another flourescent fixture from Home depot. $16 bucks for a new tube is expensive. Home depot carries this stuff, and it's a lot cheaper. Will appreciate any help anyone can offer.:thanks:
I know you can check for proper output but unfortunately have no idea how to. But it sounds to me like a starter or ballast issue
I know it sounds simple and I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but have you confirmed that you're getting a good connection between the pins of the tube and the socket? The reason I ask is because I had a very similar problem last month and after troubleshooting all of the technical stuff, it turns out that the sockets were sprung out and not making good contact with the pins. I felt like and idiot.
yes, I checked the connection and it's snug, but I appreciate your help a bunch. I'm not a professional electrician, I did build my own house and wired it myself, and after41 years it still works. I tried my volt meter, but it doesn't show much on this stuff. I'll probably just salvage what I can for parts and get a new one.
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