Hopeful Zero Cycle Build

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ah that's right I'm thinking of the other one. Sorry had a brain fart lol.
Yeah, not the edge :p.

It'd be nice if I did. They are expensive. For 12 shipped if I win it'll be $27. Not too bad. I'd pay nearly as much for 12 cherries in my LFS if she always had them in stock.
Update: I did not win the auction, someone came in last minute and just bid it out of the water... Not worth it.

Shrimp update: shrimp is doing well, pooping frequently, always swimming around and eating.

Plant update: WOW. I'm getting some crazy crazy new growth, and a plant I thought was about to die just got new life. All my grass is shooting off daughter grass and I don't know what to do! All my duckweed is out competing my salvinia for life, so I think it will die out :/.

How do I propagate my stem plants? They all of a sudden stopped their die off phase, and shot up to the surface, and they have odd runners coming off them and going to the surface, too. I also need to know if I should separate the daughter grasses, or leave them on? I left my Ricca floating and it has grown a little. Java moss all came together and my moss balls all are just chilling.

This goes to show ya with the right advice (thanks Jeta and Max) you can grow plants with no ferts, low light and no experience.

I appreciate all help you guys can give me.

P.S. I'm going to use this most likely as a grow out tank, so I can sell my cuttings to others on here, but should I make another thread or just morph this into my Fluval spec "zero cycle" build?
I vote for a new thread so it would be easier to keep track of each one, 19 pages is so much to read if you haven't been following along. Then you can keep up with the grow out on 5 gal zero cycle, just to keep the rest of us up to date.

Then the new one will be NEW!
Thanks, Autumn. I will. Now I just need to figure out my plant stuff. I'm sure jeta, max and sake will chime in soon :)

And OF COURSE: Coursair and Austin
how could you forget Coursair!?!?!:blink: haha

i also vote for a new thread to keep things neat, also it might be going off topic.
That post is edited :p you all were a given.

What do you all think About my plants?
Sorry, I'll post some pictures within a few posts. This first picture is of my new driftwood. Which I will put into my spec.

Max, a member approached me and sent me this virtually at the cost of shipping lol.

It is a beautiful piece and it will fit PERFECTLY into my spec.
An update on my fauna:

My shrimp just molted. I hope he is ok through the molt. I think he is hiding in the log right now, which is normal, right?

I also just noticed this, and I feel stupid. My main snail populace has been a unique tiger spotted ramshorn snail :) I do have pond snails now, from my plants, but I noticed the babies are dying off. Which is normal, because I do not overfeed. I've always loved my snails, they're goofy. I'm glad to find out they're ramshorns. Each has a unique print on them. They're very pretty.
Okay so here are my 'plant dilemmas' which aren't really dilemmas, because I'm happy the plants are growing.

First picture will be of the grass, which I can't identify, is growing into different shoots. How should I separate?

Second pic will be of my new growth on my beautiful red and green stem plant which grows beautifully when it has decent light.

Third will be of my clover plant, which sent a new shoot up because it was being out competed for light. I don't need help, I just thought it was pretty and interesting.

Fourth is a full tank shot. The glass is a little mucked up because I had salt water in it at one point, and it got stuck on there. But ill be switching tanks soon, as you all know. And the spec should be my showpiece :D

So the help I need is with my red stem plant, how do I trim, and grass how do I propagate it?
Plants need a cool rock

Have you considered a chunk of Petrified Wood from the good ole USA? I will trade a cool rock, for some plants, excess snail or what have you, when you thin them out.
Autumnsky said:
Have you considered a chunk of Petrified Wood from the good ole USA? I will trade a cool rock, for some plants, excess snail or what have you, when you thin them out.

Excess plants, I'll have them soon. Pm me with more details. Im dead set on this DW, but I'd consider adding more :)

And my DW was from the good ole lake superior ;)
Don't know what type of grass that is, but doesn't most types of grasses send runners out and spread that way? What I did with my dwarf hairgrass was just split the clump up and plant it in different areas. I've been having runners pop up heading out in different directions.
You can clip the runners between clumps and leave the clump and root sections intact. Less intrusive. Some times you can grasp two sides and wiggle them apart depending on their root structure.
Stems just trim and replant the top. Strip leaves off the bottom inch of stem that you are planting.
Trim it low enough it won't show, some stems branch into two at the cut, some grow a bit off to one side. So I try to make my cuts where it doesn't show.

But anywhere works. Grasses ? Split gently by hand or cut with sharp scissors making sure all clumps have roots.

Thin out floaters as needed.
Coursair said:
Stems just trim and replant the top. Strip leaves off the bottom inch of stem that you are planting.
Trim it low enough it won't show, some stems branch into two at the cut, some grow a bit off to one side. So I try to make my cuts where it doesn't show.

But anywhere works. Grasses ? Split gently by hand or cut with sharp scissors making sure all clumps have roots.

Thin out floaters as needed.

Thanks everybody!

I'm not sure of this grass, but it looks like parts of. It are branching up and out. I don't see runners yet, nor do I think I will.

With the stem plants, can I just trim the bottom and replant both parts of what I cut off?

So I'll cut the roots of my grasses to replant :)

Thanks for everybody's help.
Well as many of you know, I set up my spec. This thread will mostly be for updates on the 5g while it still survives. I did test its water for the first time in a LONG time. With zero maintenance, it is perfectly fine, even with decaying plant matter, the cycle is good. Plants keep a tank very clean! I'll move over shrimp and snails once I have my aquascape hammered out.. Perhaps after my book critique >_<
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