Horseface Loach

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Fresh N Salt guy

Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 29, 2013
I have had a horseface loach for about a year. Not that anyone would have known it. I spend at least an hour a day in front of my tank just watching what I have created functioning. I am lucky if I see this guy once a month and usually it a fleeting look before he buries himself into the sand and gone. Any of you out here have a social horseface that let's you get a lol at home. I seriously believe he is dead constantly then poof, there he is for a quick sec then another month of nothing. Is there a way to coax him out of hiding. I have watched at all hours of day and night trying to see him cruise and never got a good look since the day I released him
Have you thought about buying more? Maybe he needs friends. On Badmans tropical fish, it says they like to be in little groups of 3 or more.
All loaches prefers groups. You should try to get more, that might help. Some fish are just more shy then others also.
I've read a lot on them and the common thing is that they are peaceful fish except to those of its own species. Says they are best kept individual in community tanks unlike other loaches. I've thought of getting more but it says they are unlike other loaches with schooling habits. Do you guys have horseface loaches, or were you just speaking on loaches in general? Just seeing if you have specific insight on the species that contradicts the general reading I've researched on them. Those general care pieces can leave a lot to the imagination and lack in accuracy. Only reason I ask before I put another in my tank
We had these when I was a kid, a million moons ago! We normally had a couple in the tank, and I don't remember any problems with them getting nasty with each other. Just burying themselves frequently and seeing them infrequently! But cute!

My mom got quite a scare one day when she was rinsing the tank rocks out in the sink and out popped a long "lost" Horsehead (what we called them then). She hadn't seen him in so long, she thought he was a goner!

Not much help, but a fun trip down memory lane! lol
That's perfect. Ty. Haven't seen ours in 2 months but I figure something's wrong or he's dead when I finally do see him. Lol. Good stuff on the many moons ago.
Bought a second one. They are aggressive towards each other. The old hidey one floated up yesterday. Looks like the new one battled him for food. New one stays out though so good news and bad news. I can handle the death. At least I'm not paying for a fish I can't see even though I hate killing any fish for any reason. For future questions about them, should probably introduce multiple horseface at the same time if you want more than 1

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