How bout a good laugh

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

I just graduated in geology too. Just post a pic, (close up if you can and be in focus). We'll figure it out for you :)

After that story I think you deserve it.
Mermaid said:
as for the story, hilarious, i just hope you can use the rock after all of that, keep us posted.

p.s i didn't mind the cursing, i agree that it added humor to your story. if people are offended then its their problem, they can always just stop reading the post, and move on. so don't worry about it!

Good luck!

Yeah, I know...but I still would like to avoid it if possible. :wink:

And I'm going to use the rock, even if its not IN the pond. I'm sure it would look good around the pond or in a flower garden. I think I'll try the fizz test first. Thanks again for all the offers for help. I may still take ya up on it!
I want videos of the next time you try and move it :wink: Be sure and use the appropriate MPAA rating though! :wink:
Sounds like you're trying to be like the druids and build your own little Stone Henge there :lol:
Well, I bought a new dolly last night and moved another one into the yard. This one is about half the size of the first one and it almost made the tires go flat. I have no idea how we will move the first one. I did check it with the vinager...NO FIZZ! So I'm going to assume I can use it.

MPAA? you lost me on that one.

The stone henge thing isnt a bad idea....I would look like that show "Monster House" had remodled my house!
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