??????????How Do I take care Of ghost shrimp baby's??????!?!

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Some fine mesh such as pantyhose or maybe a sponge prefilter over your filter intake will keep them from getting sucked into the filter.

do you have a HOB filter?

if so they may still be floating around in the filter, Donno tho.. never dealt with baby ghost shrimp.

Don't worry tho, if they were happy enough to breed once, they'll do it again.
Stop posting so much. Such behavior may only serve to anger some people, and then they won't help you. Forums take time, most people don't constantly watch them. It could be up to a day before you see an answer.

If you want to try to actually talk to people, try the chat room. Find the 'Chat' link at the top of the page.
Sati said:
Whoa, Ferret, why the hate?

No hate, merely trying to help the kid out. He's been a member for about 30 minutes, started three threads, and posted about 20 times in them, mostly responses to himself. Trying to give him some insight into the workings of the board, and at the same time point him at something that can provide more immediate results.

Edit: I softened the language of the original a bit. I've been trying to help him since he joined.
Ferret has a point.

Relax Killer; most posts do not get answers immediately. Give folks a chance. 2 minutes is no where near enough time to expect a response; during the week day EST it can sometimes take a couple of hours as many folks are at work, and the folks who may have the answers you seek are not online at the time of your posts.
Gettin' back to the subject at hand.... :wink:

Baby ghost shrimp can be amazingly hardy. I discovered three in a junky gross temp tank I forgot about for a while. Eventually, I lost track of them while I was on vacation. But one of my females is pregnant and laying, so I may see some more.

For protection, java moss, riccia (if you've got high light) or water sprite are excellent. The babies will hide there and not be eaten. These plants are also common protection for fry.

For filtration, I recommend a sponge over the intake, not a bit of pantyhose (no offense, William), as this traps dirt better, won't clog up as easily, and actually allows some pieces of junk to make it into the filter to get filtered out.

I wouldn't worry about it too terribly much. If you give them their own tank, try to give yourself good visibility, as they are so small... And be sure to add algae wafers. No need to pamper them--they're quite hardy if not eaten!

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