How do you know if your clowns are a mated pair?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 27, 2008
My guys hung out together dont fight but I dont see any thing that would make me thing they are "mating"
Maybe you're referring to being a "mated" pair. They can be that if they assume the male and female roles, or they already are male and female. Actual "mating" means they definitely are and they have the lights down low and music playing. Get it? :)
Move your stereo closer to the tank and start crankin' the Marvin Gaye.....maybe dose a little vodka.... :)

You'll be sure, 100% sure, if you see them with eggs.
so as long as they are not fighting they are a "pair"

and they may or may not mate ever

Not necessarily. Normally a pairing will not leave each others' side for long and almost always return to each others' company (after feeding, etc). If there is actual mating and gravidness, the doctorfish delivers the fry (not french or freedom) or sometimes a magical pink storkfish will drop a 400+ egg bundle into your clownfishes awaiting fins...or if they are unlucky the overflow. Some clownfish will never pair, but will tolerate each other and have separate territories.
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