How fragile are clown loaches?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 7, 2002
Richmond, VA
On Tuesday afternoon I went to one of my LFS and got myself a clown loach. He's about 1.5in long. He and his store tankmates had a touch of ich, but his wasn't bad. Probably 3 tiny white spots. I checked the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH of the water before he went in. The pH was really high, so I knocked it down a bit. I did not test the hardness, but our water seems pretty soft to me.

The first thing he did when I put him in the tank was hide. I noticed his color fade as well. There wasn't anything to hide in, so he went between the tube (I have an undergravel filter) and the glass and stayed there. I thought he was dying. I came here and did some reading and found out that 1) they don't like strong lights and 2) the hide when they're upset. So I figured he was stressed out and trying to hide. I turned the lights off and let him be. I checked him later that night and found him swimming around like a good fish, and his color was starting to come back.

By last night he was swimming pretty much all over and wasn't spooking as much when I came by. His stripes were a lush black, his body a nice orange, and his fins were nice and red. On Wednesday I had gone to buy some ich treatment, but all they had was this stuff called M(something) Green. I applied the half dosage per the bottle. I also bought some bloodworms for food. He seemed to be eating.

I checked him this morning and he was keeled over on his side and pale. Now thinking about it I do remember reading that they lay on their sides sometime, but I tapped on the glass and he made no response. I didn't look at his gills...maybe I should have. As far as I know at this moment, he's dead.

And I'm curious...are they that much harder to take care of than "normal" fish? For the time being, his tankmate was a Betta, and they seemed to get along fine. The loaches body showed no signs of foul play, and I can't imagine the betta would dream of taking him on anyway. How finicky are they when it comes to pH and hardness? I did not check the nitro levels this morning, but I will as soon as I get home tonight.

Any insight?

Hopefully others will chime in here that know more, but as i recall, loaches are scaleless fish. Scaleless fish in general are more prone to ich, and very sensitive to meds. They are easy to kill with meds.

BTW, no matter what kind of fish it is, never buy a sick fish, you found out the hard way what happens to most of them.

Loach keepers? please chime in here!
The meds had directions on there specifically for loaches and cats. Those were the directions I followed.

He is, in fact, dead. *sigh* I guess it's back to the LFS tomorrow...


Please get something for shelter in your tank before getting another cl. I would also suggest you get a pair of them as they prefer company of their own kind. A single one will tend to be more timid. Also buy from a store that has healthy fish. The clown loach is likely to get ick if the temp changes greatly. They prefer 23-30degC (73-86degF) acidic, soft water. Also prefer low light or shaded areas.

I have a clown loach with cardinal tetras and he likes to scurry around the gravel and driftwood in search of food. He loves bloodworms and also likes Nutrafin max flakes and brineshrimp. I also have fed him a small piece of cooked zucchini which he devoured but it did mess the tank quite a bit.

My clown loach is unreal. He loves to play with the tetras by swimming with them. He does chase them a little during feeding as they seem to get to the flakes quicker than he does so he chases them for their portion. His colouring is an indicator to me that he is doing well as I am currently cycling my tank. His distinctive black bands and orange body is rich in colour as well as the dark orange to red fins.

He does like to scare me by resting on his side. I still get a fright every time he does it. It' such an unfishlike manner and so hard to get used to.

As I am cycling the tank I observe my fish quite a lot and have noticed that on the days when I don't feed them, the clown loach swims vertically halfway up the tank and loops back down like he's demanding to be fed. I have caved in and fed them on two occassions and noticed that he stops his swimming antics and continues to "loach" around the gravel and driftwood. So I think he does this to get my attention I would be interested if anyone else has experienced this.

I hope that my input helps, I know it's long but I guess all the info you can get is helpful!? I love clown loaches and recommend them. They are a unique and beautiful fish :D

Rgds Louise 8)
louise, thanks! That was extremely helpful.

I would like to get more than one, but right now certain things prevent such behavior. I got him primarily to curb my snail problem in my 10 gallon, with the plan of eventually putting him in my 20 when I get it set up. The guy at the LFS said he would either get one or more than three. I also looked for a little place for him to hide, but they were all wicked expensive.

I'm going to attempt to take him back today. They'll give me half off another one, but I don't know if I'd be able to get a shelter. Maybe I'll forsake the half off and prepare my tank better. :)

Also, is a clown loach a bad idea in a cichlid tank? I'm thinking yes, but I'll wait for your answers. :)

I have that 20 that is empty right now, but I'm about to go out to get some basic stuff (gravel, some driftwood, etc). I wanted to turn it into a cichlid tank (african) because they're sweet looking fish, but I also wanted some loaches, and they can grow nice in that tank.

Hey -j

I am not sure about cichlids but I found this site which may be of interest about loaches.

I think a piece of driftwood should be pretty affordable but you will need to soak it to leech out the tannin before adding to the tank.

Just remember that patience will be best for both you and the fish. It can get pretty hard to look and not buy whe visiting the LFS, but resist and get the tank at its best before getting the fish. I found it hard just this weekend to walk out without some plants, a bristlenose catfish and a bubble wall. But I did resist and I am glad I did. This forum is such a benefit to me to be able to get real life opinions from people who are willing to offer info that doesn't come with a "sale", just genuine advice.

The best advice is to take the time, do the research and then make the best purchase you can afford plus buy a healthy fish. They have been through enough just to get to the pet shop. To then survive our eager and innocent hobby is a miracle.

Sorry I couldn't help much with the cichlids but I'm sure someone else can shed some light.

:wink: 8) :D Louise
Hi all,
my loaches do the loach-y dance in the morning (calisthenics,hmmm?) like follow-my-leader yo-yos, or whenever they can't get the cories to play with them. They also go pale when scared, territorial, whenever they are having a mating rampage(?) the ole least i think they're trying to mate - i hear that's very rare.

PS, not only do they sleep on their sides, but up on their tailends, leaning like two stacks against the corner. They also have 'trained' my pleco to let them perch on her back like a lookout. As long as they have playmates and interesting crevices to explore, they are out and about all day , in the light, and are not shy about coming up to the glass to eyeball me. such characters...

keep trying with the loaches!
I'm gonna get me another one, but next time I'm getting two, and I'm making sure they're ALL well before they come home. :)

If a forum newbie might add a couple of comments :)

Clown loaches are notorious for being difficult to keep initially. They are very sensitive to water changes, meds, etc. Once you get past the 3-4 week quarantine period though, they can live for 5-10....some big aquariums have had loaches for up to 20 years! They are a real long term commitment.

Which brings me to my other comment. Loaches live long, and get BIG. Like, 12 inches big. The 20 gallon you have planned for their move may not be large enough in the near future. They don't grow quickly, but they do grow. Definitely something to keep in mind.

Mine are in my 29 gallon tank atm, with a plec and 3 angelfish. I've one more loach in quarantine (gotta quarantine your fish, especially loaches as they are prone to ich, and will often break out when under stress - which a move will do). Loaches are best in groups, minimum 3, as they are schooling fish. Single loaches just don't fare as well. My lil guy will be moving in with his big brothers once he passes quarantine. This summer a 55 gallon tank is in the works for the plec and the loaches. Oh, and the loaches did an AMAZING job getting rid of my snails!

There's a great website thats devoted to loaches: . They are chock full of loach info, and also have a forum for loach fanatics. You may want to read up on clowns to enhance your current knowledge (and they have great pics too *grin*).
Wow, great post Alli! I had a loach, and he made the whole tank go wild with ICK, BUT he did manage to eat all my snails first. I like how big they get, I saw one that was almost a foot!
Heh, that poor tank must have looked like a salt mine. Tis why I QT all my fishies before they go into the main tank. Its a helluva lot easier to treat a small 10 gallon with no gravel or live plants and one or 2 fish, then my main tank with loaches and angels and a pleco and live plants!

When I first got the loaches, I did pick up 3. One of of didn't make it past 48 hours (we figure one of the other ones got him in the eye with his spines; the poor guys eye was NASTY looking and was fine the day before. Those spines are really something), but the other 2 did fabulously! And never a spot of ich (yet LOL I'm sure its coming one of these days). Finally picked up loach #3 last week...I can't wait to put him in with his big brothers! But I will LOL better safe then sorry. And I'm really psyched to see how big they get...I like big fishies.

When I first got the loaches I had a major snail factory going on in my main tank. Yuck; I LOATHE snails and slugs. I grabbed a couple of snails and put them in with the loaches right away. Within 3 hours the snails were snail shells! I used to see upwards of 15 or so snails a day in the main; now that the loaches moved in I have seen 3. Total. Ever. Amazing, although I feel kinda bad that theres no snails for em now LOL

Btw d9hp, love the signature *grin*
Allivymar, thanks for your post. :) I found out that my 20 is actually a 29, so we shall see. Hopefully by the time they get too big for the 29 I'll be able to get a bigger tank to put them in.

*looks embarrassed*

Thanx folks :) I did a lot of research before I went and got clowns for my tank; wanted to make sure they would fit into my collection of angels and the plec, as well as know my tank parameters would suit them well. Was a great purchase; they are absolutely hilarious!

(nice loach pic littlelouie! what a fat healthy lil piggie :) )

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