How long do i run my UV sterlizer?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 16, 2011
I bought a UV sterilizer and hooked it up to my Rena Filstar canister filter. It recommend for 350gph and my filter does the same. My question is this, will I kill all my good bacteria if I run it 24/7? I started off at 6 hours and tested for ammonia. I'm about to raise it to seven. Anybody have any advice?
IMO, a UV is not needed at all. I've been running my system for over 20 yrs and never used 1.
It will kill anything and everything that passes thru it, but there is very little bacteria free floating in the water. I's all on your glass, rocks, sand, etc.
i was reading on another forum some members said they ran it with the same timer as their lights so when the lights are on the uv is on and so on are you having a problem with green water? is that why you got it?
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No. I had a problem with marine velvet. It got really hot here a couple of weeks ago and my temperature raised about 5 degrees in one day. Anyway they all died. I learned a lot. I just beard that a uv light can really help.
I had one for 10 years. It broke 3 yrs ago and I never replaced it. The only thing that gets killed are parasites and algea spores that go through the lighted chamber. I`m kind of agreeing with Larry.

BTW moving this to the general hardware and equipment discussion.
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