How long does a "cycling" take?

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I have often read about cycling a new tank, but never really see anything on how long the process takes.

I just set up my 75 gallon tank and after a few days added 5 danios and 5 tetras to get it started. Haven't really seen any changes one day later. Does having a good filter like my Fluval 404 affect the time it takes, too?
My 55 gallon took almost 2 months!
But I think that had more to do with my f'ing around with it. These things take time. Just let the aquarium sit and watch your water chemistry -- if you don't have a test kit, go get one -- you should first see an amonia spike followed by a nitrite spike. Once you see a little Nitrate you can be sure that the cycle has started. Try not to feed the little blighters too much. Also, in my experience the 'cycle' products aren't worth a cent. If you can borrow a sponge or even some gravel from an established tank, that may speed things up some. Jeff
Sorry, Presence but I just went to that site and it wasn't available. I'll see what else I can find.

Okay the link didn't work but the article is there if you go to, then go to FAQ, then nitrogen cycle.

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