how many cory cats in a 30 gallon long?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2005
ct us
I have:
3 spotted
2 bronze
and only 1(1 died) black and white dot(or like maze) with black streak over its eye and the front of his dorsal fine.. if anyone can tell me what he is that would be cool....

I want to get 2 more of the black and white and 1 more bronze... is this too much???????

I also have a small pleco, thats it.. in the future I plan to get some fish that swim around... they have a lot of caves and nice enviroment along with a hill I made out of a big flat rock with gravel on top of it...
Sounds to me like a Panda Cory. Cute little guys. I don't thinkit would be too much to have a total of 9 cories. What kind of pleco do you have?
I dont know... Its the one that you most commonly see at the stores...

I am also looking for some really cool fish that swim in the tank.... I think I want something that schools but any cool fish.. .any ideas?
Click on the link above in my thread to see if it is the Panda Cory. The link is hyperlinked with Panda Cory.
Just remember that bottom dwellers will create a lot of waste so you will need to keep up with your weekly water changes and gravel vacs.

Also, make sure your gravel is not sharp or pointy, cuz over time it will wear down on their barbels.
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