How many fish should I introduce?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2013
Hello. I currently have 6 fish (4 Mickey Mouse platies and 2 balloon-belly mollies) living in my 40 gallon aquarium. They have been living in there for a week now with no problems, and I am looking to add some more. Should I be adding more or less fish than the original group, and are there any fish that will blend into the group better than others?
Side note: The Platies are 3:1 female:male ratio and the mollies are 1:1.

Thanks in advance :)
My tank is currently being cycled, and my ammonia level is a little high. I did a partial water change so it should decrease, increasing the nitrate level, which is a tiny bit low.
Then you should keep your stock the way it is untill you have completed the cycle and remember even small amounts of ammonia and nitrites are damaging to all fish regardless of how "hardy" they are
Thanks, I will continue to monitor the levels and I'll keep the population the same. Thanks :)
Thanks, I will continue to monitor the levels and I'll keep the population the same. Thanks :)

Once the tank is cycled you can slowly add. I would not add more than two or three at a time though. And wait several weeks before putting more in after each addition. Now, as for the cycle. You can speed the cycle along with tetra safestart. I have cycled a few tanks with it. Most bacteria in a bottle products are not very effective, but tetra safestart has bio-spira so it really does work. You can get a bottle to treat up to 75 gallons for like $21. Shake the bottle really well and just pour it in with your fish. It should start working on keeping your ammonia in check within a week.

Now, with that being said, I would still wait a couple of months even after using the tetra safestart to add more fish just to make sure everything is working like it should. I am speaking from experience. I initially added too quickly and have friends to added too quickly. Not because the beneficial bacteria was not present, but because adding too many fish too frequently causes stress and subjects them to disease, but also you want to make sure you have enough beneficial bacteria established to handle the new arrivals. Be patient and it will pay off in the end. Be sure to quarantine new arrivals. Again, I reiterate, be patient. It will prevent a nightmare situation. Trust me on that.
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