How many Guppies should I get?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 14, 2013
I'm planing on breeding guppies in my 29 gallon tank, I was wondering how many guppies I should get for this to happen. And how do I know when the guppy is pregnant.
I'm planing on breeding guppies in my 29 gallon tank, I was wondering how many guppies I should get for this to happen. And how do I know when the guppy is pregnant.

i have 1m to every 2f i would probs have around 5-6 makes and 10-14 females in that tank :)
I like to have guppies. But honestly having that many in a 29g get annoying. They aren't really schooling fish and it seems to put a lot of chaos into the tank. I would go with 2m 4f and some other fish to offset them.

To successfully breed guppies you really need an 8 tank setup to kee p2 different lines seperate to minimize inbreeding. It's a much bigger operation than a 29g allows
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