How many times do you feed your fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 25, 2013
Hi everyone
so I was just wondering, how many times a day do you feed your fish?
I have always just fed mine once a day before I go to bed but just wanted to know what everyone else does. And I was thinking they might be a little more active i I fed them twice.
I started off feeding every day. But then my mts population sky rocketed with all the excess food. So I now feed: mon, Wed and fri. Remember, in nature, most fish, may not eat everyday. But, if you have fry, feed multi pal times a day. Just like a human baby. But you don't have to change a crappy
Once in the morning, everyday. Sometimes ill give them extra later in the day, its like a treat. But since your asking about food, I assume you are a noob :). I would recommend nothing else but Omega One flakes as it will never cloud your water and doesn't effect water levels too much.
Once a day, 6 days a week for my bettas, CAE's 3-4 days a week. I prefer pellets as they float then sink which my fish scavenge for & I have a few snails to help eat any leftovers which I doubt there is much of, my Bettas are pretty much pigs.
One a day five days out of the week for the non-Breeding. Skipping a day or two. For the breeders, twice a day until spawn. Then once a day after spawn.
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I usually feed a combination of Omega One flakes and blood worms 2 to 3 times a day. I watch to make sure they eat it all and what goes to the bottom gets scavenged by the rams, gouramis and CAE.

My fish are like freaking dogs... I walk up to the tank and they all congregate at the front waiting for food lol Except for the tetras and rainbows (and of course the ABPs and CAE) but the Gouramis and the rams are right there!
I feed my fish twice a day. But reading this thread, I may cut it back. No food ever falls to the bottom, they are hungry little devils!!! I feed a mix of pellets, flakes, and blood worms. I try to vary it. They love the bloodworms. And once a week my Oto cats get a small algae wafer.
I feed frozen food in the morning and evening for my elephant nose, bottom guy's get a mix of pellets, wafers and fresh vegis but not every day. My betta gets fed every day except a Sunday when he gets a blanched pea!
And it sounds like I am not the only one who's fish go crazy in front of the glass if I haven't fed them yet?
And it sounds like I am not the only one who's fish go crazy in front of the glass if I haven't fed them yet?

Heck, mine still do it after feeding them 3 times a day. Maybe I'm not feeding them enough...? I have 4 Gouramis, 2 Bolivian Rams, 2 white cloud tetras, 2 dwarf rainbowfish, then a CAE and 2 ABN Plecos although those 3 aren't the ones begging for food all the time. It's mainly the Gouramis and Rams.
Heck, mine still do it after feeding them 3 times a day. Maybe I'm not feeding them enough...? I have 4 Gouramis, 2 Bolivian Rams, 2 white cloud tetras, 2 dwarf rainbowfish, then a CAE and 2 ABN Plecos although those 3 aren't the ones begging for food all the time. It's mainly the Gouramis and Rams.

Its a fish thing! I walk by the tank & mine come zooming from places unknown in the hopes food is about to rain down from the sky!
Once in the morning, everyday. Sometimes ill give them extra later in the day, its like a treat. But since your asking about food, I assume you are a noob :). I would recommend nothing else but Omega One flakes as it will never cloud your water and doesn't effect water levels too much.

Aren't you new to the hobby too?

It often just depends on the fish, their environment, and factors like how old they are and so forth. Most fish do not really need to be fed daily. Omega One flakes are a good staple, but some fish won't eat flakes too. Variety is also often important, as a lot of fish will benefit greatly by having things like frozen/live foods (brine shrimp, blood worms, etc), veggies and algae tabs to supplement their diets.
Aren't you new to the hobby too?

It often just depends on the fish, their environment, and factors like how old they are and so forth. Most fish do not really need to be fed daily. Omega One flakes are a good staple, but some fish won't eat flakes too. Variety is also often important, as a lot of fish will benefit greatly by having things like frozen/live foods (brine shrimp, blood worms, etc), veggies and algae tabs to supplement their diets.
Just wanna put in there I have had my tank for almost three years

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