how much LR do i need for..........

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I would start with 80-100 lbs of LS. As for the depends. If you are using it for your primary source of biological filtration (which I recooment) then you will need between 90 and 110 lbs. the general rule is 1.5-2 lbs/gal. the more, the better.
thanks yall are alot of help...but do i have to use all of them or can i just use up to 40lbs im not saying i am gonna just use 40lbs i was just wondering
Well if 40lbs is what you can afford to start, then it will do. You can always add more later.
How about some cheap base rock and then top off with the 40 of LR.. Over time the base will become live. I have 60 in my 55 and that leaves plenty of swimming room for the fish. IMO you don't want a Rock tank you want a fish tank. as others have said 1lb per gal is a good start.
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