How much should I feed my tire track eel?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 27, 2004
Los Angeles
I have a freshwater tire track eel that's about 5 1/2 to 6 inches long and a little over 1/2 an inch thick. Each day I hand feed him one to two frozen blood worm or brine shrimp cubes.
He seems to be healthy and happy, but I feel like 2 cubes a day may be too much food.

He always seems to gladly eat the second one, something I assumed because of his skill at quickly grabbing a cube from my hand.

Are 2 cubes too much for him/her?
I briefly had a tire track eel... he jumped. Please make sure all exits to your tank are covered! Dried eels aren't much fun to watch. :cry:
Sadly, I only had him around a month, so I never found any info on the "perfect" amount of food to feed.
I used blood worms and placed them in a small glass bowl with gravel in it. The gravel kept the worms and once they settled in, only there heads were exposed. My eel would just go over and nibble when ever he wanted more. Of course he also loved small ghost shrimp as well, we watched him eat 2 in as many minutes. Fun to watch our money getting eaten! We moved the others out right away since we bought them to watch, not be food. He also ate neons and baby molly fry. :roll:
Sounds cool. The other fish I have in my tank are too big for the eel to eat.

I guess maybe I will just continue feeding him 1 or 2 fish cubes, depending on how I feel.
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